IPL – Intense Pulsed Light Laser
SHR is short for Super Hair Removal, a technology of permanent hair removal with excellent results. The method is exclusive because each area with hair is treated approximately 10 times, when compared to other lasers who only treat it once. The treatment time is shorter because of the power of the impact (Classic IPL has 1 impact per second, while SHR has 6-10 per second), therefore, less treatment sessions are needed. During the treatment dermis is gradually heated in a controlled way, accumulating a temperature of approximately 45 degrees Celsius. This targeted heat damages hair follicles and prevents their future growth.
The method is pain-free and safe, with no risk to damage surrounding tissue. Complications (such as burns, scarring, pigmentation) are almost unheard of, due to cooling of the skin and individually targeted program based on skin type. The treatments are applicable on skin suntanned during summer and there is no redness after treatment. SHR rejuvenates the skin during treatment, as well as promotes the healing of scars due to ingrown hair.
IPL and SHR systems combine bipolar radio frequency to rejuvenate the skin in the treated area and improve the healing of scars caused by ingrown hairs. Before the treatment the hair must be shaved. If the clients do not want to shave facial hair, they are trimmed. The first two treatments have to be within a month, and then four more consecutive treatments, once a month.