IPL – Intense Pulsed Light Laser

SHR is short for Super Hair Removal, a technology of permanent hair removal with excellent results. The method is exclusive because each area with hair is treated approximately 10 times, when compared to other lasers who only treat it once. The treatment time is shorter because of the power of the impact (Classic IPL has 1 impact per second, while SHR has 6-10 per second), therefore, less treatment sessions are needed. During the treatment dermis is gradually heated in a controlled way, accumulating a temperature of approximately 45 degrees Celsius. This targeted heat damages hair follicles and prevents their future growth.

The method is pain-free and safe, with no risk to damage surrounding tissue. Complications (such as burns, scarring, pigmentation) are almost unheard of, due to cooling of the skin and individually targeted program based on skin type. The treatments are applicable on skin suntanned during summer and there is no redness after treatment. SHR rejuvenates the skin during treatment, as well as promotes the healing of scars due to ingrown hair.

IPL and SHR systems combine bipolar radio frequency to rejuvenate the skin in the treated area and improve the healing of scars caused by ingrown hairs. Before the treatment the hair must be shaved. If the clients do not want to shave facial hair, they are trimmed. The first two treatments have to be within a month, and then four more consecutive treatments, once a month.

It is recommended to shave hair regularly, 2-3 weeks before the treatment, but it is not mandatory. On the chin and upper lip, the hair can be trimmed using scissors if shaving is problematic. It could be done a day before or on the day of the treatment. The hair can be 1-2 mm above the skin. Between the treatment it is recommended to shave the hair regularly to make them stronger. Shaving improves treatment success and reduces the number of treatments needed. Waxing or tweezing hair increases irritation and pigmentation of the skin and is not recommended, as well as bleaching of the hair which produces poor results. It is not necessary to avoid sun tanning before or after the treatment, because tanned skin can undergo the treatment without fear. Treatments are easily done in summer. Before the treatment, do not use skin care products or perfumes.

The hair cannot be removed permanently, but the thickness of hair is permanently reduced. During treatment only mature hair can be destroyed, while gray hair cannot be removed. The hair that has been destroyed cannot grow again. If the hair grows after the treatment, it is only an undeveloped hair that couldn’t have been affected by initial treatment. These hairs are maturing affected by hormones and other factors: diet, stress, genetics… Undeveloped hair make only a small percentage of overall hair growth. Their removal, after maturation, means a complete and permanent hair removal.

Hair grows from special parent cells found in the hair root. Only the eradication of these parent cells in the root can prevent the growth of hair. There are two different kind of hair: Vellus and Terminal hair. Vellus hair is thin, fine and blond hair, that we have at birth. The total number of hair we have is determined at birth and cannot be changed. The hair that grows after treatment is immature hair that matures throughout the growth cycle, but it is not a new growth. Shaving does not increase the total number of hairs, but makes them stronger and speeds up their maturation.

Throughout life, affected by sex hormones and other factors, vellus hair mature into terminal hair that is thicker and darker in color. The color of the hair is affected by the pigment called melamine, which is targeted by the IPL treatment. There are two kinds of pigment that give the hair its color: eumelanin and pheomelanin. If the hair contains more pheomelanin, in persons with blond or red hair, the results of hair removal are poor as this type of pigment does not absorb laser beam. If the hair contains more eumelanin, the results are excellent as it absorbs laser beams very well.

The number and size of hairs is affected by numerous factors: race, genetics, age, climate, skin color… In Mediterranean region people typically have darker and coarser hair, whereas in the Northern areas they have lighter and finer hair. In some families, hair is more prominent, for example in women with darker complexion, without a hormonal disorder, based on genetics.

Hair grows in three stages: anagen, catagen, and telogen phase. They mature and travel to the surface of the skin independently from one another, at various agility. Only during pregnancy, they grow in the same stages, and hair on the head is at its best, but after delivery, the hair becomes thinner again.

In the anagen phase, hair grows, and only in this stage it can be destroyed because it contains enough pigment for its root to be killed. The pigment absorbs optical energy from IPL ray, there fore the more pigment is found, the better absorption of energy is present, that kills the parent cells. Light and gray hair have no pigment and cannot be destroyed. In the other stages, the amount of pigment is insufficient and not enough energy is being released to eradicate the root of the hair.

The length of the anagen phase varies, depending on the hair location and the quantity of hair that reached the anagen phase. Therefore, the period between the treatment and successful removal rate are affected by the location of treatment on the body. Only shaving increases the quantity of hair that reaches the anagen phase.

The catagen phase is the beginning of hair’s decline. Pigment quantity is reduced and parent cells are not making hairs. Hair starts to separate from its root and travels towards skin surface. Telogen phase is the end phase of hair growth, where the old hair is expelled outwards and begins the new growth cycle. During this stage, the hair is completely detached from its root and has a minimal amount of pigment.

IPL treatment targets the melanin in dermis and epidermis layers of skin. It uses selective photo thermolysis. The light which is sent onto individual spots produces heat that damages and removes the spots.

Hyperpigmentation is a common problem that affects about 50% of women and 20% of men older than 50 years. Even though it commonly occurs middle age to later in life, it can occur in younger population.

Hyperpigmentation causes certain areas of skin to become darker. It is usually a harmless problem that is caused by over-production of melanin. Hyperpigmentation can be caused by genetics, environmental factors or UV rays. Mostly it is caused buy sun tanning without protection. It is recommended to have 3-6 treatments in a two-week period.

The acne found on face, cleavage and back are often produced by an imbalance in the body. Infected acne is not susceptible to classic treatments which do not produce permanent results. Many dermatological products cause excessive drying of the skin which results in dehydrated skin with sub-cutaneous acne and their scars.

IPL SHR treatment kills the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes and at the same time rejuvenates the skin with bipolar radio frequency. The effect is reduced infection, acne and scars disappear, and completely renewed skin.

3-6 treatment are needed in the period of 10 days.

The accumulation of harmful effects of sun exposure leaves skin visibly dehydrated, creates fine wrinkles, pigmentation and expanded capillaries. These changes are most visible after summer, when it is time to give the skin its glow and prevent further damage.

Laser photo rejuvenation is a painless and non-invasive procedure to remove these changes on the skin. Photo rejuvenation is recommended in 5-10 treatments in the period of 2 weeks.

Capillaries are a common esthetic problem for both women and men. The growth of capillaries is caused by genetics, estrogen, pregnancy, exposure to sun… The biggest revolution in capillaries removal was caused using IPL SHR. It removes the capillaries using light while the surrounding tissues are kept intact. Hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells, absorbs the light energy, thus releasing energy that destroys capillaries. Once destroyed, the capillaries are not re-growing, but it is possible that new capillaries can grow. The IPL SHR treatment for capillaries is recommended to repeat 3-5 times in the period of 2 weeks.

photo rejuvenation therapy includes anti-aging treatments, caused by light exposure and
prematurely aging skin. Recently, these treatments are more popular. Photo aging is considered a problem
of our modern times. It affects all types of skin and includes various skin conditions. Premature aging of
skin can appear in early twenties in certain areas (face, neck, cleavage). Photo aging and prematurely
aged skin is a result of a repeated exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
Environmental aging is caused by environment (pollution, cigarette smoke, indoor air quality) hormonal
causes, inadequate skin care products. An intensive filtered light impacts the activation of thrombocytes
which in turn stimulates fibroblasts, resulting in production of collagen and elastane. It results in
improved tone, stable dermis, reduction of wrinkles and fine lines, that is -natural face lifting.
Due to new formation of collagen, the appearance of open pores is reduced (for oily skin type). The
activation of thrombocytes improves the structure of hydrolipid membranes. The smoother skin
appearance with progressive disappearance of pigmented aging spots results in brighter and glowing skin.
Interval between treatments: 2-3 weeks
Frequency of treatment: package of 5-6 treatments