This fast and painless treatment increases throughput of fat cells from which fat acids pass to lymphatic and urinary system by which they are afterwords discharged from the organism. To avoid heating of the skin by ultrasound, the head of this appliance which is used cools the skin and enables the use of ultrasound of lower power. During the 30 minutes treatment, all the parts where we want to reduce fatty deposits are treated. We apply gel on these parts of the skin, in order to improve conductivity of the treatment ball. Vibration of the ultrasound breaks the fatty cells exactly on the desired depth under the skin, i.e releases the fatty acids which are therein deposited, without damaging other tissues, blood vessel and nerves. The fat from the treated fat tissues decompose into glycerol and simple fatty acids. Glycerol, which is soluble in water, infiltrates into the circulation and is used for energy, and the unsoluble fatty acids decompose in the liver as well as all the other fats which we take by our food. After the cavitation treatment, it is necessary to make a lymphatic drenaige by radio-waves or a manual one, in order to eliminate, by limpha, released toxins from the body as soon as possible.
Having in mind that an organism needs time to process and eliminate fatty acids, a lap between two treatments should be at least 4 days. Most frequently 5 treatments are needed, but the results usually can be seen already after the first one.
This treatment is for those people who want to get rid of cellulite and hardened fatty deposits, but doing this, it is necessary to change the life style which has helped the body to this stage. On the contrary, it is possible to have a treatment each month and a half to keep up the achieved result. Because of the extraordinary efficiency of this treatement, it is possible to get the effect of “excess skin” because of the sudden loss of significant amount of the fatty tissue. In our salon, we tighten the loose skin by rf method – rado-waves which is, unlike in other salons, included in the price of the treatment.
What do I have to know about cavitation?
Among the most popular treatments for elimination of cellulite and localized fatty deposits, is cavitation. It is a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure which represents alternative liposuction. The ultrasound waves of a certain frequency act on fat cells in the subcutaneous tissue, causing their decomposition and spilling into intracellular space, as well as the further decomposition and discharge from the body by methabolic procedures. In only half an hour, how long usually the treatment lasts, you can loose between 2 and 5 centimeters of the volume of the required region and irretrievably! It seems too simple and easy to be the truth?! By this treatment you will not loose excess wait because it is meant for people of the average wait, who in spite of regular exercising and diets cannot get rid of stubborn areas of fat.
It is important to mention that a part of decomposed fat circulates through the body and if it is not consumed by some aerobic activity, new fat deposits can be formed on some other parts of the body?! Do not be mistaken, you neither can avoid exercise, nor can enjoy sweets and fast food, because in such a way you block the achieved effect. Doctors, in general, are against this treatment because of its negative influence, as the decomposed fat cells in form of triglycerids go to blood and liver, and if not “consumed” can lead to functional disoreder of liver or kidneys. That is why it is important to note that after the treatment of cavitation, and obligatory lymphatic drainage (which will help the decomposed fats “leave” the organism), increased activity must follow (aerobic activity, jogging or fast walking), light food with the minimum input of carbohydrates, and at least about 2 liters of water daily.
And only by such approach we can expect the promised results.
It is not recommended to pregnant women, the women who are nursing, people with heart problems, people with pacemakers or metal implantants, as well as to people with a high level of cholesterol and triglycerds in blood.
The treatment lasts: cavitation 30 minutes + radio-waves 40 minutes.